Using the selector

The selector is the tool to use to select dungeons part as explained in the Building dungeon part.

To get the tool, use the command /selector.

To transform blocks into a xml file (a file you will need to place later in folder to store dungeons parts), you have to follow these 3 steps :

  1. Select doors

  2. Select minimum and maximum positions

  3. Use the serialize command as follow : /serialize <name>

Door selection

To select a door with selector in hand, right click on the first position and left click on the second position. Then use the command /door add. See the example below :

Door must be 4 blocks long

You have to do that for every door in the build.

If you selected wrong doors, you can use /door reset to reset the door list

Min/max selection

To select the minimum and maximum positions of room (or corridor), select two positions using right and left click. The cube defined by these two points will define the area to copy. The example below shows you how to select a full corridor :

Serialize command

When you finish select doors and min/max positions, use the serialize command to create a xml file into the /plugins/DungeonMMO/block_files/ folder.

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