
Instances represent the amount of available dungeons. Each instance has specific configuration you can modify.

Instance creation

To create a new instance, run the command :

/dungeoninstance create <instance_name> <world_name>

This command will create a new <instance_name>.yml file located in the /plugins/DungeonMMO/instances/ folder.


The permission for instance creation is dmmo.instance_creation.

The world containing the dungeon instance must be created before creating an instance. You can do it using any world management plugin like Multiverse Core.

Instance configuration

Here are the values you can modify :

  • name : the instance name

  • mob_rooms : the amount of mob rooms

  • special_rooms : the amount of special rooms

  • world : the world name to paste the dungeon (it's highly recommended to use a dedicated world for dungeon instance)

  • time : the time in minuts player will have to finish the dungeon before it stops

  • lifes : amount of lifes before respawn is disabled

  • package : the name of the package to build the dungeon with (can be default or a custom package you created, see Dungeon package creation).

  • key_required : if the player need a key to enter the dungeon

  • key_price : the price of the key for this dungeon

Instance loading

After creation, each instance will be loaded after every server restart. This process can take some time.

Dungeons are loaded one by one in a queue to avoid server overload

It's recommended to use only one instance per server to keep the best gameplay possible, however you can create a maximum of 20 dungeon instances per server.

Starting instance

To start an instance when you are the team owner, use the command /dungeonlaunch <instance> or select the instance to run on the NPC.

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