Item Generation

How it works ?

Item generation works the same for chests and mob drops. Each dungeon item in the chests.yml or mob_drops.yml config has a probability to spawn when populating the chest or killing a dungeon mob.

Adding an item

There are 3 differents kinds of items you can use in chests :

  • Vanilla items :

    - ==: DungeonItem
      amount_min: 1
      amount_max: 2
      material: GOLD_INGOT
      probability: 0.5

    This represent a Vanilla item stack with the defined material.

  • DungeonMMO keys :

    - ==: DMMOKeyItem
      amount_min: 1
      amount_max: 2
      instanceName: <instance_name>
      probability: 0.5

    This represent a key to open the dungeon <instance_name>

  • Nebula items :

    - ==: NebulaItem
      amount_min: 1
      amount_max: 2
      nebulaType: powder
      probability: 0.5

    This represent a Nebula powder item. Availables types are : scroll, collector, book, powder, crystal, orb.

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