
On this page you will learn how to create custom trees for your custom biomes

Step 1 - Create your trees xml file

Follow the serialization tutorial (see Building) to create every tree you need

Step 2 - Place your xml files

First create a new tree folder into the folder located at /plugins/Ouranos/trees/ and place every xml file you created in Step 1 into it.

Step 3 - Add the trees into the biome configuration file

Now go into your biome configuration file you created into the Biomesection and modify the trees property. The value must be the tree folder name you just created. After you've done that, trees are well configured for your biome.

Optional change trees probabilities

You can change the tree probabilities if you want some trees to spawn more than other by modifying the probabilities into the /plugins/Ouranos/trees/trees.yml file.

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