Ouranos tag system is similar to mobs and NPCs system. You can create vanilla items using the Ouranos item tag system and plugin owners can register their own item tag system to let you use their items into Ouranos.
Where can items be used ?
In Ouranos, there's multiple ways to find items :
Into chests, chest loots can be defined for cities, villages and structures independently (see Loots)
In the mob arena, by killing the mob in the arena, loots for this mob can be defined into the mob_list property into the world configuration
Into shops, in Ouranos there're many NPCs selling stuff. You can modify their selling items by modifying their configuration located into the /plugins/Ouranos/NPC/ folder. You can also create your own merchant NPC to place into buildings (see NPCs)
Ouranos item tag system
Ouranos item tag system is made as follow :
First you have the item material (in this example it's netherite_sword) followed by properties into square brackets. Here is the list of the available properties recognized by Ouranos item tag system :
Adding damage to your item will decrease durability. To add damage to your item add a "damage" property followed by "=" and the amount of damages
The name is the item name it can be defined by setting the property "name" followed by "=" and the item name (& tag is recognized to be the color code character)
In the same way, lores are defined with the "lores" property followed by the lores separated by commas ","
Item flags
You can add flags using the "flags" property, as lores every flag is separated by commas ","
You can add color using the "color" property :
You can set your item to be unbreakable :
Potion Effect
You can add potion effect to your item using the "potioneffect" property. The first value that follow "=" must be the effect name, then the time in seconds the effect will last and at the end the amplifier. Each of these three values seprated by colon ":"
Enchantments can be added with the "enchantments" property followed after the "= " by enchantment name and enchantment level. You can add multiple enchantments by separating them using commas ","
Book enchantments
Enchantments books works the same way as Enchantments except that you have to replace "enchantments" by "book_enchantments".
Custom item tag system
Plugin owners can as well register their tag system into Ouranos to let you use their items into Ouranos (see Extensions)
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