
The ouranos Mob system is pretty similar to the npc system (see NPCs). Each building has a mobs property where you can define every mob that will spawn in this building during the generation time. The only difference with NPCs is that they will spawn only one time and won't respawn after they have been killed.

Mob tag

As the same way as NPCs, mob tags are divided into 2 parts, plugin name and mob name (and properties) :


The default Ouranos mob tag is ouranos:none to not spawn any mob at the location

Ouranos mob tag system

Ouranos has registered its own tag system to create simple mobs. it works as follow, first you have the mob name (in the example above, the mob name is "warden") followed by an underscore and the mob life. This second part is not mandatory and the default mob life will be applied if this second parameter is not specified.

Custom mob tag system

Every plugin owner can register its own tag system into Ouranos plugin to let you spawn their mobs into Ouranos buildings (see Extensions)

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