Ouranos NPC system allow you to include Ouranos NPCs or Custom NPCs (from other plugins) into your world buildings.

NPC tag

NPC is defined by its tag. A tag contains two elements, the plugin name and the npc name :


The default NPC Ouranos tag is ouranos:none to not spawn any NPC at the location

Custom NPCs

This system allow other plugin owners to create their own NPCs and register them into Ouranos. When this is done, you will be able to place these NPCs into your buildings (see Extensions)

Placing NPCs

Each building (either village, city or structure) configuration file has a npcs property. This property defines every NPCs present in the building. You can use the "ouranos:none" tag if you don't want any npc at this specific location.

Example :

This is an example for the bank building. This building has 8 available locations to place NPCs. Locations 4 and 5 are used to place CoinMaster and ItemMaster and others are unused.

  npc_1: ouranos:none
  npc_4: ouranos:CoinMaster
  npc_5: ouranos:ItemMaster
  npc_2: ouranos:none
  npc_3: ouranos:none
  npc_8: ouranos:none
  npc_6: ouranos:none
  npc_7: ouranos:none

You can modify this configuration file if you want to place other NPCs into the bank or even remove the default NPCs.

The NPCs defined into the building configuration file will be placed everytime the building is placed in your world

The process of creating custom buildings and NPC locations is explained into the Customization section.

Existing Ouranos NPCs

Here is the list of the existing Ouranos NPCs :

  • Arcane

  • ArenaGatekeeper

  • Auctioneer

  • Blacksmith

  • CoinMaster

  • Dealer

  • EquestrianMaster

  • ItemMaster

  • Jumper

  • Librarian

  • Merchant

  • Merlin

  • TavernKeeper

Configuration files for buildings can be found at :

  • /plugins/Ouranos/cities/ for cities

  • /plugins/Ouranos/villages/ for villages

  • /plugins/Ouranos/structures/ for structures

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