The Nebula give command aims to give a Nebula item to an online player.
The give command is really intuitive and has a powerful tab completer to help you using it. The command works as follow :
/nbgive <item_type> <item_name> <player_name> <level_if_book> {probability_success} {probability_break} <value_if_needed>
Item type
This is the type of the item you want to give, could be book, orb, powder, scroll, crystal, collector
Item name
This is the name of the item, for an enchant it's the enchant name, for a scroll, the scroll name etc..
Player name
The name of the player to give the item
Level (if book)
This is the level of the enchant if the item is a book (can't give a book with a level superior to the max level specified in the enchant config file)
Success Probability (optionnal)
The probability for the given item to success when applied. It will be set randomly if not specified according to the main configuration file.
Break Probability (optionnal)
The probability for the given item to break when applied. It will be set randomly if not specified according to the main configuration file.
The probability to do nothing (the item is neither applied nor broken) will be computed according to the break and success probability to get a sum of 100%
Value if needed
This value is needed only if the item needs a value, items needing a value are :
Book success increaser crystal
Scroll success increaser crystal
Scroll value increaser crystal
Mana max scroll
Permission to use is nebula.give
Last updated