Nebula gradients are a way to create custom gradient colors (a color going from one to another).
File location
The file gradients.yml
is located in the /plugins/Nebula/
Create a gradient
To create a gradient, put a name as root (this will be the gradient name).
This gradient has to have 6 parameters :
from.r : The beginning color in the red channel
from.g : The beginning color in the green channel
from.b : The beginning color in the blue channel
to.r : The beginning color in the red channel
to.g : The beginning color in the green channel
to.b : The beginning color in the blue channel
Use a gradient
Gradients can now be used to rename an item, in items descriptions, names etc..
To put the gradient color, use the tag &g{<gradient_name>} before the text you want to color.
Last updated