Global effects

Global effects are usable with every trigger


Items with keepitem effect will be gave back to the player after death if they are equipped or in his main hand. This effect doesn't need any parameter and can't be applied to enemy.


Non equipped items won't be affected, even if they have the keepitem effect


applybonemeal effect will apply bonemeal to the player targeted block. This effect doesn't need any parameter.



burn effect will burn the targeted player for x seconds.

The first parameter is the burning time (in seconds).



cancel effect will cancel the event. This effect can't be applied to the enemy.



durability effect change the durability of an item. The durability (value) that will be applied are at the beginning either the event durability (if the trigger type is durability_decrease) or 0 otherwise. After each durability effect, this value is modified and replace the last value. When all effects modifying value has been applied, the new durability is applied to the item.

Method 1 (available for enchants, sets, powders)

The first parameter is the operation, it could be add, remove or mul (to multiply).

  • add will add the value as follow value = (old)value + amount

  • remove will remove the value as follow value = (old)value - amount

  • mul will multiply the value as follow value = (old)value * amount

The second parameter is the item that will be affected by the effect, it could be boots, chestplate, leggings, helmet, main-hand, off-hand, shield, random.

The third parameter is the amount that will be applied to the operation


Method 2 (available for enchants)

This method won't require to precise which item you want to apply the effect (it will be applied to the item that is holding this enchantment). This method is available only for enchants as they may be applicable to different items.

The syntax remain the same as Method 1 but you omit the second parameter as follow :



command effect will run a command.

The first parameter can be :

  • console : the command will be ran as the console

  • player : the command will be ran as the target player, player or ennemy (enemy has to be a player)

The second parameter is the command to run.

command_console_time set day


creeperignite effect will ignite the enemy if it's a creeper. This effect can't be applied to the player.



directdrop effect allow the player to get directly in his inventory items he drops.

The first parameter can be :

  • ennemy : the enemies's drops will be affected

  • block : the block's drops will be affected


The directdrop effect won't be activated if the player's inventory doesn't have enough space to receive items, in this case items will spawn as usual.


drophead effect will drop the player's target head.


🔴enchantrecovery (applicable to enchantments only)

enchantrecovery effect will give the player enchantments equivalent from the item as enchant books.



entitytransform effect will transform the entity

The first parameter is the entity to transform, it can be :

  • all : verified for every entity

  • hostile : verified for hostile mobs

  • passive : verified for passive mobs

  • mobs : verified for all mobs

  • <every_entity_type> : verified for this entity, list can be found here.

The second parameter is the entity to be transformed in, the available parameters are the same as the first one.



exp effect will change the player's experience. The experience (value) that will be applied are at the beginning either the event experience (if the trigger type is experience_earning) or 0 otherwise. After each durability effect, this value is modified and replace the last value. When all effects modifying value has been applied, the new experience is applied to the player.

The first parameter is the operation, it could be add, remove or mul (to multiply).

  • add will add the value as follow value = (old)value + amount

  • remove will remove the value as follow value = (old)value - amount

  • mul will multiply the value as follow value = (old)value * amount

The mul operation can only be used if the target is player

The second parameter is the amount of experience that will be applied to the operation.



fedd effect will change the target player food level.

The first parameter can be :

  • add : to add the amount of food

  • remove : to remove the amount of food

The second parameter is the amount that will be applied to the operation



firework effect will launch a firework at the target location



give effect will give an item to the target player.

The first parameter is the item material.



healaura effect will heal all players in a radius.

The first parameter is the radius.

The second parameter is the amount of hearts healed (multiplied by 0.5)



heal effect will heal the target player.

The first parameter is the amount of hearts healed (multiplied by 0.5)



message effect will send a message to the target player.

The first parameter is the message to send

message_&eHi! This is a message


dropitem effect will modify the drops from entities.

Add drops

To add drops, use add (first parameter) followed by the Material type (second parameter).


You can also add drops with name and lores , simply add the name as the third parameters and the following parameters will be lores.

dropitem_add_apple_&eBig Apple_&3It looks tasty!

Transform drops (only for enemy)

To transform already existing drop, use transform keyword (first parameter) followed by the material to replace (second parameter) and the replacing material (third parameter).


Multiply drops (only for enemy)

To multiply drops, use mul (first parameter) keyword followed by the amount to multiply (second parameter).



money effect will modify the money available for the target player (Vault is required).

The first parameter is the operation :

  • add : add the amount to the player's balance

  • remove : remove the amount to the player's balance

The second parameter is the amount of money



oxygen effect will modify the oxygen level for the target player.

The first parameter is the operation :

  • add : add the oxygen amount

  • remove : remove the oxygen amount

The second parameter is the amount of oxygen



particle effect will spawn particle(s) on the target's location.

The first parameter is the particle name


You can also specify the amount of particles (second parameter) and the offset (third parameter).



plantseed effect will plant seed on the player's target location if it's a farmland block.

The first parameter is the seed to plant.



propulsion effect propels the player's target forward.

The first parameter is the propulsion multiplicator.



recycler effect remove every arrow on the player's target body and add them in his inventory.



playsound effect play sound effect at the target's location.

The first parameter is the sound to play



spawnmob effect spawn a mob at the block location if the trigger is a "block trigger" or the target location otherwise.

The first parameter is the entity type



sticky effect pull the enemy towards the player

The first parameter is the distance multiplicator



teleport teleports the target to the defined location. This effect support the placeholders %position-ennemy-x%, %position-ennemy-y%, %position-ennemy-z% in addition to the others.

The first parameter is x location coordinate

The second parameter is y location coordinate

The thrid parameter is z location coordinate



title effect send a title message to the target's player

The first parameter is the title message

The second parameter is the subtitle message

title_&eHello!_&cThis is a message


tntlaunch effect launch a tnt at the block location if the trigger is a "block trigger" or the target location otherwise.

The first parameter can be true or false, if true the tnt will have velocity when launched



unmount effect remove the target player from the horse if he's on it.


Last updated