On this page you will find every available crystal in Nebula and way they work.
The name and lores of crystals can be modified in the main configuration.
Book Level Increaser Crystal
This crystal increases the enchantment level of an enchanted book.
You can find values to modify this crystal in the BOOK LEVEL INCREASER CRYSTAL section.
Book Success Increaser Crystal
This crystal increases the success chance of an enchanted book.
You can find values to modify this crystal in the BOOK SUCCESS INCREASER CRYSTAL section.
Scroll Success Increaser Crystal
This crystal increases the success chance of a scroll.
You can find values to modify this crystal in the SCROLL SUCCESS INCREASER CRYSTAL section.
Scroll Value Increaser Crystal
This crystal increases the value of a scroll by the crystal value.
You can find values to modify this crystal in the SCROLL VALUE INCREASER CRYSTAL section.
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