Other effects

  • delayed runnable effects

  • repetitive runnable effects

Other effects are usable with every trigger


disableactive effect will prevent the target player from using active trigger for defined time.

The first parameter is the time in seconds



disableenchant effect will disable one enchant for the defined time.

The first parameter can be either random to get one random enchant from the target items or the name of one enchantment.



disablepearl effect will prevent the target player from using ender pearls for defined time.

The first parameter is the time in seconds



disablemana effect will prevent the target player from using mana for defined time.

The first parameter is the time in seconds



hit effect will hit the target after the defined time

The first parameter is the amount of damages

The second parameter is the time in seconds



bleeding effect will hit the target every 1 second during the defined time

The first parameter is the amount of damages at each iteration

The second parameter is the time in seconds



multiarrow effect will throw mulltiple arrow as a machine gun

The first parameter is the amount of arrows to be thrown



particlefollow can be used with throw_weapon trigger only. This effect generates particles every 0.1 seconds behing the projectile.

The first parameter is the particle name


You can also specify the amount of particles (second parameter) and the offset (third parameter).



slash effect will throw a line of particles and hit enemies within the line

The first parameter is the amount of damages for hit enemies

The second parameter is the distance of the line



takeoff effect will launch player in the air and activate elytra.


This effect won't do anything if the player doesn't have elytra equipped


transfer effect will steal life from entities arround

The first parameter is the amount of life stolen

The second parameter is the radius



wave effect create a wave of particles and hit enemies in the radius

The first parameter is the radius

The second parameter is the amount of damages

The third parameter is the particle name


Last updated