Collectors are items players can place on weapons or tools to collect points. Then it will be possible to exchange these points against amount of experience using the collector command.
Values related to collector
Everything related to collector (inventory name, rates, collect values etc..) can be modified in the COLLECTOR section in the main configuration file
Creating a collector
Collectors can be created in the collector.yml
file located in the /plugins/Nebula/
The root can be whatever you want (it will be the name of the collector) but cannot contains spaces or uppercase characters.
The mandatory parameters are :
name : It will be the displayed name of the collector.
applicable_to : This is items that can receive the collector, authorized values are :
all : can be applied to every item (weapons, tools, armor, shield)
weapons : all axes, swords and trident
distance_weapons : bow, crossbow, trident
tools : all pickaxes, shovels, hoes, axes, fishing rod and shears
swords : all swords
axes : all axes
armor : all boots, chestplates, helmets, leggings
boots : all boots
shovels : all shovels
pickaxes : all pickaxes
helmets : all helmets
leggings : all leggings
chestplates : all chestplates
hoes : all hoes
mana_holders : all weapons, distance_weapons and tools
<every_material> : a particular item material, list can be found here
trigger : This is the trigger that will have to be verified to get the points on the item. Authorized triggers for collectors are break_block and kill. See triggers documentation to see how to set up the triggers parameters.
points_earned : This is the amount of points the item will receive when the trigger is verified.
message_subtitle : This is a subtitle message that will be displayed to the player when the trigger is verified.
villager_emerald_price : This is the emerald price of the collector when sold by a villager.
Example :
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