Create your set

This page will help you create your own sets.

First step - Create the set file

Create a file called <set_name>.yml into the ./plugins/Nebula/sets/ folder.

Second step - Edit the properties

Set name

This is the name of the set, it must be lowercase and not contain any space. This will be the name you'll use to find it in game.

set_name: miner

Displayed name

This is the name that will be displayed on the items.

displayed_name: "&6&lMiner"


The set description is multiline and can use %items% as placeholder for the amount of items worn. The compute formula compute_{formula} can also be used to compute in the description (the %items% placeholder can be used in the formula). You can find more infos about descriptions here : Description


- "set[all]:&7>> &fReduce hostile damages by &ccompute_{%equipped_items%*3}%"

- "set[3,4]:&7>> &fGive permanent night vision"


The trigger is the way the set will be triggered (see how triggers work here Triggers).

trigger: distance_hit<all>


This defines the chance for the effect to be applied. A chance of 0 mean that the effect will never be applied and 100 will be applied all the time (more infos on Chances).

chance : %level%*2

Conditions to apply set

Conditions to apply sets are conditions that have to be met to apply the powder set on the item. Here is an example of how to avoid a player to use the powder except in the world called my_world :


- "%player_world%[IS]my_world"

Conditions to activate

Conditions to activate have the same format as Conditons to apply. They must be all verified before effects activation (to learn how to create conditions, see Conditions).


- "@player_item_in_hand@[IS]BOW"


Effects are activated if conditions are met (to learn how to create effects, see Effects).


- "level[all]:ennemy[damage_add_%level%*0.25]"

Items found in chests

You can prevent this powder sets from spawning in chests (see how chest spawning works here Chest spawning).

chest_found: true

Items sold by villagers

You can prevent this set powder from being sold by villagers (see Villagers).

villager_foundable: true

Possibility to fish

You can prevent this set powder from being found by fishing with special rod (see Fishing).

possible_to_fish: true

Emerald price

This is the price the powder set can be bought on villagers.

emerald_price: 40


If this is enabled, the player will need a permission to use the set (effects won't be activated if the player doesn't have the permission).

permission_needed: false

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