PVP effects

PVP effects are usable with every trigger


burnaura effect will burn every enemy in the defined radius for the defined amount of time.

The first parameter is the time in seconds

The second parameter is the radius



damage effect will change the player's damage. The damage (value) that will be applied is :

  • If the trigger is hit, the default value applied to the ennemy's target is the event damage.

  • If the trigger is distance_hit, the default value applied to the ennemy's target is the event damage.

  • If the trigger is death, the default value applied to the player's target is the event damage.

  • If the trigger is receive_damage, the default value applied to the player's target is the event damage.

  • 0 otherwise.

After each damage effect, this value is modified and replace the last value. When all effects modifying value has been applied, the new damage is applied to the player.

The first parameter is the operation, it could be add, remove or mul (to multiply).

  • add will add the value as follow value = (old)value + amount

  • remove will remove the value as follow value = (old)value - amount

  • mul will multiply the value as follow value = (old)value * amount

The second parameter is the amount of damage that will be applied to the operation.



changedirection effect will change the target's direction.

The first parameter is the angle to add in degrees.



potion effect will change the target's potions.

Remove good potion

The remove good potion effect will remove one of the good potion on the target's player.

The first parameter is removegood


Remove bad potion

The remove bad potion effect will remove one of the bad potion on the target's player.

The first parameter is removebad


Add bad potion

The add bad potion effect will add one of the bad potion on the target's player.

The first parameter is addbad

The second parameter is the time in seconds

The third parameter is the amplifier


Add good potion

The add good potion effect will add one of the bad potion on the target's player.

The first parameter is addgood

The second parameter is the time in seconds

The third parameter is the amplifier


Cancel bad potion

The cancel bad potion effect will cancel bad potion effect when received.

The first parameter is cancelbad


The cancel bad potion is available only for player target and with the potion_effect trigger.

Add defined potion

The add potion effect will add the chosen potion effect to the player.

The first parameter is add

The second parameter is the potion effect name

The third parameter is the time in seconds

The fourth parameter is the amplifier


Remove defined potion

The remove potion effect will remove the chosen potion effect to the player (if he has it).

The first parameter is remove

The second parameter is the potion effect name



circlearrow effect will shot multiple arrows.



directdamage effect will deal direct damage to the target's player without taking into account armor reduction.

The first parameter is the amount of damage



disarm effect will change the weapon slot of the target's player.



explosion effect will create explosion either at the block location if the trigger is a "block trigger" or the target location otherwise.

The first parameter is the power of the explosion



explosionaura effect will explode entities arround in the defined radius.

The first parameter is the power of the explosion

The second parameter is the radius



fireball effect will launch a fireball



freezeaura effect will freeze players arround in the defined radius.

The first parameter is the freezing time in seconds

The second parameter is the radius



freeze effect will freeze the target player

The first parameter is the freezing time in seconds



homingarrow effect will set the arrow launched as homing if it's a throw_weapon trigger, otherwise it will launch a homing arrow.



kill effect will kill the target.



knockback effect will apply knockback to the target.

Setting default knockback

Setting default knockback will apply the same knockback to the entity as if it was hit by a player.

The first parameter is set

The second parameter is default


Setting directional knockback

Setting directional knockback will apply a propulsion to the player in his looking direction (used for propels elytra).

The first parameter is set

The second parameter is direction


Setting knockback with coordinates

You can apply a knockback in the chosen direction.

The first parameter is set

The second parameter is the x coordinate

The third parameter is the y coordinate

The fourth parameter is the z coordinate


Adding knockback with coordinates

You can add a knockback in the chosen direction to the current target's knockback.

The first parameter is add

The second parameter is the x coordinate

The third parameter is the y coordinate

The fourth parameter is the z coordinate


Multiply knockback

You can multiply the current target's knockback. The x and z directions will be multiplied, the y direction will be set to 0.5.

The first parameter is mul

The second parameter is the multiplicator



lightning effect will throw lightning on the target.



The mana effect will change the amount of mana to the target player.

The first parameter is the operation, it could be add, remove or mul to multiply.

  • add will add the value as follow value = (old)value + amount

  • remove will remove the value as follow value = (old)value - amount

  • mul will multiply the value as follow value = (old)value * amount

The second parameter is the amount of mana that will be applied to the operation.

The mul operation is available for player target only


potionaura effect will give potion effect to every entity in the radius starting either at the block location if the trigger is a "block trigger" or the target location otherwise.

The first parameter is the potion effect name

The second parameter is the time in seconds

The third parameter is the amplifier

The fourth parameter is the radius



projectileback effect will move the projectile in the player's inventory after thrown.



pull effect will pull the enemy towards the target

The first parameter is the power of the pull



rainarrow effect will shot multiple arrow from the sky at the block location if the trigger is a "block trigger" or the target location otherwise.

The first parameter is the amount of arrows



removearmor effect will remove one armor part from the target player.

The first parameter can be either random (for a random part) or chestplate, boots, helmet, leggings.



shuffle effect will shuffle the target player hotbar



spinning effect will deals damages to entities in a defined radius.

The first parameter is the amount of damages

The second parameter is the radius

The third parameter is the particle name



steal effect will steal an object from the enemy's inventory (except armor, tools, weapons, shield)



swap effect will teleport the target behing his enemy



throwprojectile effect will throw a projectile from the target player

The first paramater can be either arrow or snowball


Last updated